Saturday, February 11, 2012

Oranges everywhere!

We just love it here at the RV park in Bakersfield, CA.  We've got two orange trees just loaded, right out our door.  We picked 60 pounds yesterday and mailed them out to some friends, it didn't make a dent in the trees!  The whole tree is still Orange!  We've had some wind lately, and Sandy watches her trees, so if one falls, she's out there to pick it up and she juices it.  She's getting a freezer full or orange juice now.

The park doesn't allow us to use ladders, but they have pickers for us to use.  A picker is almost like a Lacrosse stick, on a long pole with hooked teeth to pull the orange off the branch.  One of our trees must really be ripe, because I would barely touch the orange and it would just fall right off.  No wonder the wind was knocking so many off!  I finally got the hang of it, you have to get the basket under the orange before you touch it, just in case.  Other wise, it falls to the ground and gets juiced........

Oh no!  They are in the park pruning up the trees!  What am I going to do with all of these oranges!  

It's funny here, by night the whole park is full of rigs, and by noon they are all gone!  The manager says this is her busy season, but it's mostly in transit.  I see a lot of Washington and Oregon plates.  Snow birds heading south for warmer weather.  I talked to a few, and they always stop here for the night to fill up on oranges!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

made it to Bakersfield

We rolled into Bakersfield today.  Spent yesterday in the Mojave Desert.  It was nice weather!  I don't know what all the talk is about!  

This is a pretty cool campground, Orange Grove RV Park.  As soon as we got here, we washed our rigs at the free Wash Rack.  How cool is that!  Then we rolled into our space, we've got two Orange trees, all to our selves, and they are full of oranges!

Sandy immediately picked samples and made a mess in the kitchen.  Those oranges are so juicy!  She had juice on the counters and floor and all over.  What little I got in my mouth was really good!  Very flavorful, and juicy

I think we might like this town, there are farm fields all over the place, I think we'll have fresh vegetables all the time here.   

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Snow Bird culture

I've always heard of the snow birds heading down south in RV's, and maybe renting in the Sun City complexes.  But we've just met a whole group of them in our Las Vegas timeshare!  I would have never thought of that, but it's a great idea.  You come to Vegas in the winter, when things are slow, stay a couple of months, see a bunch of shows, maybe play some games.  These couples cook dinner and have a couple of get together's each week in the owners lounge.  They are all from the northern states, of course.  

We had a good time at the wine and cheese get together tonight.  I had a great time talking to a retired Caterpillar engineer, from Peoria.  He had some stories of the engineering problems that they've dealt with all over the world.  Sandy was talking to the wives about how to maximize the time share points and all the good travel deals out there. 

We've enjoyed ourselves this week in Vegas.  Sandy's down time before she starts a new job in Bakersfield, CA.  We've walked all over the southern strip, and are up about $400 this trip.  That's big time for me, because I never play big, but took a chance on a $5 slot machine tonight.  

Viva Las Vegas!